Thursday, November 7, 2013

Slam Poetry Scavenger Hunt

Andrea Gibson  

      Andrea is from Colorado, a  award-winning poet and activist. By reading her poems most of them reflect on gender norms, politics, social reform and people's struggles. The real issues she talks about come from her emotions and perspectives on them. Everyone of her poems have a theme and a purpose, they also target someone or something. Her perspective in life and the events that surrounds them, open the eyes of the people to see the truth.

Molina Speaks  
   Molina is a  poet, performance artist and recording artist respected by many. Most of his poems speak of the troubles people face every day, mostly of his culture. He expresses the struggles his family has gone through being in a new world full of different ideas and cultures that made them feel like outsiders. When reading is poems you can tell he uses cultural aspects to demonstrate his ideas and get his opinions across. 

Eric Darby 

      Eric is most known for his poems and performances, that have taken him into performing in big stages with one of the biggest slam poets. He takes the most simple things and makes arguments for them. Thing no one would think could be so meaningful, for example a dream. He takes them and makes poems that reflect him self and others ideas and opinions. Eric makes points by using facts to state his emotions and feelings.   

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