Monday, December 9, 2013

Act II Discussion

1. Summarize, in a sentence or two, Brutus's speech on pp. 21-22. Also has Brutus decided to ally himself with Cassius and try to topple Caesar?

      After Brutus received the letters from Cassius that were supposedly from the citizens of Rome explaining how the most powerful was Brutus and Caesar made Brutus ally with Cassius. They both came to the conclusion that Caesar must be killed.  The letters told him exactly what he wanted to hear to make him realise hoe he was wrong about Caesar all this time. The men meet in different places and Brutus convinces the gathered men for the not to take an oath. Cassius and Brutus turned all the men against Caesar from a couple of false letters.

Act I Discussion

13. Give evidence from scene II explain why Cassius is plotting to overthrow Caesar.

       In Act I Cassius is trying to explain to Brutus and also Anthony how Caesar is seen in the eyes of Romans as a god. He tells Brutus how Caesar is far from being a god from all the things he has done for Caesar. " BRUTUS "What means this shouting? I do fear, the people Choose Caesar for their king." CASSIUS "Ay, do you fear it?Then must I think you would not have it so." Act I Scene II demonstrates how Cassius is afraid of Caesar having power over the people of Rome. Cassius tries to persuade Brutus of the power Caesar is gaining over the rest of them. Brutus doesn't listen to him and offered to think about his propositions. CASSIUS "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves." He explains how Caesar is using them as slaves and a=because of that all their powers over the people is going to him.